Searching/Replacing:   Figure 5 - Find/Replace Dialog You can search through any text item or through all scrap item names or comments. You can define which way to search by clicking the appropriate radio button in the Find Dialog. When searching through scrap item names or comments, the check box “Search All” is meaningless. If the “Search Text” radio button is hilited in the Find Dialog you can also define a replacement string to use for replacement. If the “Search Text” radio button is hilited in the Find Dialog you can search for any occurrence of text in any TEXT item. You can search through only the current TEXT item or you can globally search all the TEXT items in the scrap file by checking the appropriate check boxes. The check boxes are: 1. Ignore case: Checked, the search will not be case sensitive 2. Wrap around: Checked, the search will continue at the beginning of the text if a match is not found after reaching the end... (if the Search All check box is checked, the search will wrap to the first scrap item upon not finding a match in the last TEXT item of the file. 3. Search all: Checked, the search will check all TEXT scrap items. NOTE: Clicking the “Find” button will start the search from the first item in the file if the “Search All” box is checked. You can start your search from the current item (and current text selection) by clicking the “Find From Current” button.